CAREL y Sostenibilidad
CAREL Corporate Management Policy
CAREL has always recognised the importance of sustainable development and has applied this principle to its entire manufacturing chain. Its focus on the environment is an intrinsic part of its business and an ongoing daily commitment, allowing it to look to the future of our planet with confidence.
The CAREL Group’s sustainability policy blends environmental needs, in accordance with local and international regulations, with its system of values and responsibilities. CAREL’s commitment is translated into compliance with standards and regulations by all its sites, in line with the relevant actions and best practices.

In order to collect, elaborate and summarize all the ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) stimuli coming from the reference stakeholders, a multifunctional team has been created. Read more

CAREL’s products comply with national, EU and international safety standards. Specifically, the CAREL products bear the CE mark in Europe, confirming their compliance with the EU safety requirements. Read more

CAREL has adopted lean philosophy, a concept based on continous improvement with the aim of increasing value for customers and reducing waste. Read more

CAREL has always put R&D at the centre of its business to retain its leadership position in the niches of the HVAC/R market, ensure its competitive edge and provide customers with technologically innovative solutions at competitive prices. Read more

Technological innovation is the result of ongoing dialogue between the various areas involved in product development. Read more

The increased efficiency of CAREL’s conditioning and refrigeration systems is one of its cornerstones. In addition to its move towards less energy intensive systems, CAREL also pays close attention to their power supply. Read more

The effects of traditional refrigerants on the environment and their banning in some geographical areas has made it fundamental for CAREL to use low environmental impact natural refrigerants. Read more

Environmental Protection
CAREL and all its employees act in compliance with the ruling laws and regulations when carrying out their duties to protect the environment, reduce pollution and contribute to the achievement of exemplary results in this sector. Read more

Efficiency is the key element of CAREL solutions: it is both the goal and the method. Because for us, efficiency does not just mean saving energy. It also means added value for our customers’ businesses, precision and care for resources. Read more

CAREL protects and promotes the health and safety of workers (including those in the supply chain) by adopting preventive measures and spreading an internal culture of the highest respect for the applicable legal requirements. Read more

In 2018, the group worked with 555 suppliers of which, in terms of turnover, the manufacturers make up 71% of the volumes purchased while the distributors accounted for the other 29%. Read more

CAREL control systems are certified by HACCP International for food safety in the related processes. It is not a matter of adapting to regulations, but of a voluntary quality certification. Read more

List of certifications approved for CAREL INDUSTRIES HQ and for the other production plants. Read more